Sunday, September 19, 2010

Are you in touch?

I like to surround myself with interesting people, and I must say Kimberly Anderson Mavronicles is one legit lady. I've literally known this woman since I was wobbling around in diapers, but don't let that fool you. She has commanded my attention for 30+ years. If you know her already, it's not a stretch to vouch that she has redesigned your favorite room, painted your kitchen a very unexpected color, or inspired you to dust off Grandma's forgotten china for an upcoming fête. If you don't know Kim, you need to jump on the bus. Check out her website, follow her blog, read her client's testimonials, and start your path to a cooler self. Best part about Kim? Her taste in music revels her panache of design-- don't be surprised if she shows up at your house bearing Depeche Mode cassette tapes, a color wheel, and a bottle of really yummy wine.

Hey Asheville and Atlanta!!! Rorey is headed your way...

Mark your calendars, friends!
September 23- CD Release Party @ Mo Daddy's in Asheville, NC
September 25- CD Release Party @ Moonshadow in Atlanta, GA
Catch Rorey this week as she heads down South for her CD release parties.
More are on the horizon, so stay tuned.

Queen of Cakes

So I have this dear friend that my circle calls "Midcentury Morgan," and I am convinced she is a domestic goddess. First of all, she is totally creative and gorgeous, inside and out. Second of all, she is one hell of a host. Her house looks like it could be one of the sets for a Madmen episode, and let me tell you, I miss the daily inspiration I collected from her as a fellow mom when we were Fallbrook troublemakers.
When we moved from San Diego to Seattle, my BFF (Molly) threw me and Chris a farewell party. It was one of those nights that I will never forget--

it was absolutely perfect. To top it all off, Morgan made us a cake. Folks, this was no ordinary cake. To send us off to Seattle in style, she literally built an edible "Space Needle" masterpiece. The cake and icing? Various shades of coffee flavors-- how fitting. Note that the cake was over 3 feet tall.The other image is a little something that she whipped up for her daughter's birthday-- Midcentury Morgan is just that cool. Let me know if you want me to put you in touch with her. I'm convinced she should host her own show on the Food Network.
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Does your past follow you? Here is a retrospective collection masterminded by the very talented, very brilliant Ed Shay. I love it all, but I'm particularly drawn to his watercolors.

From one blog to another...

Couldn't have said it any better:

More buzz on the beauty...

Roadside Lullabies

Rorey Carroll Releases “Roadside Lullabies” at MoDaddy’s on Thurs, Sept 23rd

Rorey Carroll is a singer songwriter sitting pretty between her Americana, folk and alternative country/bluegrass influences. “Roadside Lullabies”, her first album, was recorded by Eric Wilson and will be released at the end of September, 2010. The alb
um was recorded Echo Mountain Studios and Omni Artists Productions; it was mastered at Crossroads Music, all in the Asheville, NC area.
Rorey Carroll will be releasing “Roadside Lullabies” at MoDaddy’s bar in Asheville on Thursday, September 23rd. The show start at 9pm with the Honeycutters. Playing along with Carrol for the evening will be Rick Cooper- guitar, Aaron Ramsey- mandolin + banjo, Jess Smith- bass, and Zeb Bowles- fiddle.
Rorey Carroll’s fiercely independent spirit is reflected in her songwriting, while her sweet voice resonates the soulful energy. She credits her parents for encouraging her personal expression in music and poetry at an early age. From her life experiences on foot, through the window of her car, to the bed of a freight train, Carroll has learned to use her guitar as a vehicle to tell a story.
She got her first taste of wandering when she moved from the Midwest to Leadville, a small mining town in Colorado. Leadville exposed her to a different lifestyle. In a place where hitchhiking and living in a tent is the norm, Carroll lived hand to fist, out of a backpack, learning the skills that would take her around the country. Inspired by her new life, she picked up her guitar and started putting her poetry into music. From her first three chords, she wrote her first songs.
At 20, she decided to walk the Appalachian Trail, from northern Georgia to Maine, with a good friend, a mean dog and a backpack friendly guitar. She fell in love with the older mountains and culture of Appalachia and settled into Asheville, NC after the trail. Immersing herself into an area of the country thick with amazing songwriters, musicians and inspiration, Carroll learned more a
bout the art of songwriting and composition. She delved deeper into herself to create songs with love, angst and emotion.
Carroll began to attract the attention of the music industry with her onstage performances throughout the South and at Desert Rocks in Moab, UT, singing her songs “Head Hung” and “Leaning on Lonely”, and “Golden Sky”. She has sold her self-released recordings through local festivals and music venues across the country.
Show details at a glance:
Rorey Carroll CD Release Party“Roadside Lullabies”The Honeycutters open
Thursday, September 23rd.MoDaddy's
9pm, $5 general, $15 with CD
77-B Biltmore AvenueAsheville, NC