Thursday, March 17, 2011

Irish Insanity in Chi-town

It's St. Patty's Day, and I'm from Chicago.  I'm also from a good old Irish Catholic family, which typically translates to, "I come from a family that likes to have a good time..."  I come by it honestly.  Honestly.  Until I moved away from the Midwest, I didn't think anything about the fact the city of Chicago actually dyes its river the color "green" in March.  Don't believe me?  Check it out:  The whole city goes nuts for this holiday.  I've been raised to go nuts for this holiday.  Here's a perfect example-- one year I convinced my Greek/Italian husband that dyeing our pool green in Southern California was a good idea.  This was after I cooked 40 pounds of corned beef in our 1300 sqft home for our annual party.  Needless to say, I typically pass on this dish this time of year.

From left, off celebrating somewhere: Megan, Mary Catherine (Katie), 
Marguerite (Maggie), Melinda (Molly), Maureen (Mo), Maribeth (Mom)
My name is Kathleen Elizabeth, and my siblings are named Michael Timothy and Rorey Elizabeth.  Most people in my family are named Michael, Patrick, Patricia, John Patrick, John Michael or just Jack, along with a couple Brian's and Danny's thrown in for good measure.  My Aunt Patty is actually named Patricia John-- go figure!  Oh yeah- and I have a younger cousin also named Kathleen Carroll (she is adorable, charming and witty, no bias), which gets me wondering if her middle name is Elizabeth too...  My mom has six siblings: Maureen, Maribeth (mom), Marguerite, Michael, Molly, Mary Catherine and Megan. The "M sisters" all live within a 15 mile radius of one another, and they are mostly Irish twins.  On top of that, they look like one another and sound exactly the same.  Exhausted yet?  I often wonder how my Grandma Patsy and Grandpa Jack survived.  I never wonder, however, why my Uncle Mike moved away. :)  I even have a grandma named Carole Carroll, who was married to my grandpa named John but went by Bill.  It seems like we're lacking creative naming in my brood.  Don't even get me started on my second and third cousins because we'd be counting into the hundreds.
Chris, Sofia & Gus, toasting to you!  Henry Michael, our child who looks Greekish but bears 
the only semi-Irish name of our offspring, must be off practicing his Gaelic dance moves. 

I love my crazy family and miss being home, particularly today.  I won't disappoint, though!  Chris and I have our fridge stocked with all the dysfunctional accoutrements of the great St. Patrick.  And even though my kids carry the last name "Kalafatis," I've raised them to believe they are 95% Irish-- Erin go Bragh!

Great links:


  1. Kath, we loved the Irish family tribute!! Dad and Rorey and I are fishing and I swear they are both certifiable! I hope I survive St. Patty's Day in order to eat some corned beef and cabbage...may all your beers be green:) Love you, Kath. Mom
    I will forward you the video of Rorey catching a fish. Pardon the explitives, but I didnt know how to edit the video.

  2. Kath, thank you for the tribute to our amazing Irish family. We may be crazy and like to have way too much fun but we love each other unconditionally and would do anything to help in a pinch. May you guys have an awesome St. Patty's Day and give all your little (and big) leprechauns a big hug and kiss from Aunt Mol!!! xoxo

  3. I love this blog, Kath, and miss the Meier/Carroll clan. Hope to see you soon and that you've had your fill of green beer. Love to all!
